Other pubs &
watering holes
Thank you to everyone who has contributed photographs so far - please get in touch if you have any that you think would be of interest to others. I am missing a few, if you can supply photos (your own, not copyrighted) - Lowoods, Red Grouse, Bracken Moor, Legion, any others you can think of!

Click on a photo to enlarge it and for more information.

Photo from Picture Sheffield. Picture Sheffield have captioned this photo as a former inn, but cannot find any definite proof that there was ever an inn or a beerhouse here.

Bradfield Archives note that there was a beer-house in this location, probably in one room of the house, but when I enquired, they can provide no proof of this.

Joseph Marsden of Westnall & Waldershelf. This could be the mill at Ewden, because the one at Broomhead was in the occupation of the Jacksons in this year.

Richard Sylvester of Hunshelf, alehouse keeper, was fined 10 shillings because he "did suffer certaine lewde and disorderly psons to bee Tiplinge, drinkinge & danceinge and alsoe then & there did suffer a Piper to pipe in his sayd house upon the sayd Saboth day, To the evill example of others ..."

In 1876, William Shaw of Spring View erected a house here, and in anticipation of having a license granted had called it the “Spring View Hotel.” It was a large house with stabling for ten horses. The magistrates turned him down, as the Castle Inn was deemed more than enough for the population.

Copyright to Sheffield City Council and reproduced with the permission of Sheffield Archives / Picture Sheffield (ref. s42173)

The navvies room The canteen was built to serve the navvies who lived in the huts at Ewden during the construction of the More Hall and Broomhead reservoirs.

Foremen's room

Foreman's room

Built to supply the navvies who lived at "Tin Town", Langsett, during the construction of Langsett reservoir

Interior shot of the bar area

Interior shot of the bar area

Policeman stood outside. This pub has been demolished and houses built on the site.

Shepherds outside the Saltersbrook Inn, Woodhead.

The remains of the Saltersbrook Inn

A 16th century inn on what is now called the Woodhead Pass

Photo credit: Mick Grant

Photo credit: Ian Sutton

My grandad Jack Pearson on the right. The man on the left is possibly Georgie Miller. The pub was officially opened in May 1962.

Photo credit: Ian Sutton

The Silver Fox was built on this site