The Sportsman's Arms
Thank you to everyone who has contributed photographs so far - please get in touch if you have any that you think would be of interest to others.

The Sportsmans Arms, Deepcar. Click on a photo to enlarge it and for more information.

The landlord's name on the board is William Burkinshaw which dates it from about 1880 until about 1905/1907. The shop on the other side of the road is where Deepcar Doctors' Surgery now stands.

At the bottom of New Street.

A close up of the men outside. They look like they are out for a smoke, but of course smoking was most certainly allowed in pubs then!

On the junction of Manchester Road and New Street, Old Haywoods, Deepcar. It was referred to by locals as ‘Pladdey’s’ after a popular and public-spirited couple who were the landlords for almost 40 years. The sign above the door reads, “William Burkinshaw, Licensed Retailer of Ale, Beer, Porter & Tobacco”, and the one underneath advertises “Don Brewery Celebrated Ales.”

This later photograph shows the ground floor windows have been altered. It also seems as if another door was added. The pub closed its doors in the late 60s/early 70s and the building is now a private house. Picture Sheffield reference: t10999

The Sportsman's Arms is highlighted in yellow Reproduced with permission of the National Library of Scotland.